Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mini Lamborghini

The miniature version of Lamborghini, created by Robert Gülpen – a 1/8 scale model of its larger sibling, 2011′s Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 – boasts acarbon fiber body and almost $3 million in precious metals and stones alone which include rims forged from gold and platinumand diamonds embedded in its tiny seats, steering wheel, and mini headlights.

IPhone 5 Liquid Metal Concept

We have seen various iPhone 5 concepts onthe web and we found some worthy to share and some not even acceptable, but here is something really amazing to show. A new liquid metal concept iPhone 5 is running over the web and we are amazed to see its design and specs. No matter this concept would be real or not, but this is something Apple should really be looking at. The new iPhone 5 presented in this liquid metal concept is almost similar in design to the present iPhone, i.e it also has a rectangular shaped body, but its back is abit tapered giving it a whole new look. The processor inside it is Quad-core A6 (as expected from rumours) and the screen is 4 inch with virtual home button.
Talking about the size of this beauty, the design says that this will be just 7mm thick(which makes it even thinner than Galaxy S3 ) Moreover the design shows 10 MP rear camera and 5 MP front facing 

camera, NFC Chip and liquid Metal Casing around the phone.
So overall the concept looks amazing and its more or less the one which Apple shouldadopt for their future phones, no matter how iPhone 5 turn out to be, but this concept is really a job well done by the artist.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Natural London Arch in Australia

London Arch is a natural arch in the Port Campbell National Park, Australia. The arch is one of the tourist attractions along the Great Ocean Road near Port Campbell in Victoria. This stack was formed by a gradual process of erosion, and until 1990 formed a complete double-span natural bridge.
The arch closest to the shoreline collapsed unexpectedly on 15 January 1990. No one was injured in the event. Prior to the collapse, the arch was known as London Bridge because of its similarity to its namesake

Friday, May 25, 2012

The New Half Moon building in Dubai

Designed as a part of an international competition to build the centerpiece of Zabeel Park in Dubai, the 'New Moon' by Varabyeu Partners is a symbolic architecture that other than presenting a unique design also “accentuates the prosperity of present-day United Arab Emirates.”
An emblem of power and energy in the Orient, the crescent-shaped structure is divided into five levels, each presenting a separate observatory, which depicts the Five Pillars of Islam:
1. Shahadah (faith)
2. Salat (prayer)
3. Zakaat (charity)
4. Sawm (lent) 
5. Hajj (pilgrimage)
Despite Dubai’s current financial troubles, the centrepiece of one of Dubai’s biggest projects is forging ahead. Decorated with Arab calligraphy, the outward siding of the building is a steel frame with elements of varying transparency. An architectural solution like that makes it possible to regulate the level of illumination and air temperatures at the different levels of the New Moon, protect the interiors from direct sunlight and ensure free circulation of air flows. These and other means of passive protection recreate inside the building areas with a special microclimate, and reduce the burden on the power supply systems.

The building project was designed in full conformity with leed green building code. Solar batteries and collectors can be installed on the outer casing of the building, to cut energy consumption to an even higher degree.
I think it's AMAZING!

China Opens World's Largest Sea Bridge Images

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Top 10 Expensive Dog Breeds

Dogs are the most popular pets in the world, and there will be those breeds that are considered to be the most expensive. There are many factors that make the dogs to be considered as such in the world, and these will be those dogs that will often be considered as rare as they are rare and seldom found in the market. While most will certainly want to get their hands on the ordinary dogs, it would be wise to look into the top 10 most expensive dogs in the world.

Among the cutest animals in the world is the Akita. This is the breed of dogs that are around 34 to 50b kilograms for the females while the mails will reach up to 54 kilograms. There are several colors of these dogs and these would be red, the fawn, the sesame, and the pure white. It is usually priced around $1500 to $4500.

Considered by many as a celebrity type of dog and this is because most famous celebrities will have this hanging on their feet every now and then. Priced at around $500 to $2000, it comes with playful characteristics of being a friendly dog that wants to play around.

Australian Shepherd
There is none more popular than to have the dog that will be the associated to the rodeos. Coming to popularity after the Second World War, this is the dog that found more famously in Western ranches in the US. Priced at around $900 to $2000 per puppy, this is certainly considered as one of the most expensive in the entire world.

Bearded Collie
 Well, it’s not Lassie, but the Bearded Collie is certainly one that will befriend any person, and will give you the best pleasures of the pet that will certainly be the best friend of anyone. Considering that this is valued at $1,000 to $5,000 per puppy, then y0ou can certainly count on the pet to be one of the most expensive.

Golden Retriever
Considered as one of the first ever hunting dogs in the United States, this is a favorite breed of many Americans, and by the playful things it does of fetching and retrieving, it is certainly one of the few pets that will have given the pleasures of pure fun with its owners. It is one of the most in demand breeds in the United States.
Cream Chow Chow
Cute dogs are nothing when compared to this breed of dogs, and this is one that originated from Mongolia around 4000 years ago. This is one of the few ancient dogs in the world that will literally be described to be somewhat similar to a small lion. It comes with a variety of different colors such as the red, black, and cinnamon.
Yorkshire Terrier
If there are dogs that are really considered as those that are in the expensive category then this is the one for you. It comes with that longhaired look that gives it its distinctive appeal, and this is one dog that is found by many to be quite cute and cuddly as well as playful. Again, this is a popular dog in the US alone.
Norfolk Terrier
Small dogs are just about the favorite of everyone, and the Norfolk Terriers are considered to be the most playful characters in the market. It comes with the distinction of being one of the most fashionable pets after a group of students from Cambridge started to have them. Today, it is one of the few rare breeds in the world.
Cavalier Spaniels
A toy dog is the term used to describe this dog, and it is because of its furry coats and the human attachments it gives you. While it may certainly look cute and cuddly, it is by far seen by many as one of the most intelligent breeds in the world. It comes with different colors of the chestnut and the creamy whitish fur, the black and tan, and the ruby. This is valued around $3500 per puppy.
There is nothing whiter for a dog than the Samoyed, and this one is considered as one of the most delicate and sensitive pets in the world. It comes with the most delicate appearances and care and each of these factors of proper care are considered to be critical to the overall development of the animal, and this breed costs around $3000 to $8000.

What's in a username?

Your e-mail address 'can reveal your personality'

Think twice before you pick an email address -- it can reveal your personality.

Researchers at the University of Leipzig in Germany have carried out a study and found that an email address may speak volumes about the character of the person who created the unique online identification.

According to lead researcher Mitja Back, even the thinnest slice of communication via the world wide web - the mere e-mail address -- contains valid information about the personality of its owner.

In their study, the researchers asked a panel of 100 students to guess the personalities of 600 young adults simply by looking at their e-mail addresses.

The panel's guesses agreed mostly with a personality survey the teenagers had completed when it came to qualities like openness, conscientiousness and narcissism, and diverged most on the trait of extroversion.

Addresses that gave away personality often contained full stops, numbers or a name that was obviously not genuine, the researchers found.

Level of accuracy was explained using lens model analyses -- the students made broad use of perceivable e-mail address features in their personality judgements, features were slightly valid and the observers were sensitive to subtle differences in validity between cues.

The study has been published in the latest edition of the Journal of Research in Personality.

Dolphin birth: Amazing photos

A dolphin born in an aquarium in the Netherlands is to be named by the public.
 As these amazing photos show his mother Finagain gave birth in her pool in the Harderwijk Dolfinarium on the 22nd May.

Finagain, a common bottlenose dolphin, was herself born in captivity to Notchfin and Guy in 1992.

Her pregnancy lasted twelve months, and the as-yet unnamed calf is around 3ft long at birth, already fully capable of swimming. Unlike human babies dolphin calves are born “breech”, i.e. tail first.

It will live with its mother until it is six. Male dolphins become sexually mature around age nine to thirteen.

The Dolfinarium is home to sixteen dolphins and six harbour porpoise. As well as hosting dolphin displays it acts as a rehabilitation centre, taking in beached or injured cetaceans and preparing them for life back in the wild.
It was first opened in 1965 by Frits den Herder and his brother Coen. During its chequered history the park went bankrupt after an ill-advised expansion into other European countries.

Only a state intervention by the Dutch government restored it to the not-for-profit animal rehabilitation centre it is today.

Amazing Fantasy Garden - Get Lost in it

Bruno Torf is an artist that creates beautiful works of fantasy art in his sculpture garden. This garden resides in Marysville, Victoria hidden away in a magical rainforest setting.
 Originally from South America, Bruno moved his family to Marysville in 1995. He originally started his career as a sign writer, but gradually made the transition to being a fulltime artist. He wanted a place to exhibit his artwork, so he opened Bruno's Art and Sculpture Garden.
 He travels around the world quite frequently, studying different styles of art. This is definitely apparent in his garden sculptures. He decided to create the sculpture garden so that he could run it as a permanent attraction. The garden began with a little over 15 life-size terracotta sculptures and now has over 115 on display. Combined with his oil paintings, sketches and small sculptures, there are now over 300 works of art on display at Bruno's Art and Sculpture Garden.

What does height have to do with finding love?

She Says vs. He Says: What's Height Got to Do With Love?

Agreeing on the "right height" for a healthy relationship has been a hot topic since before Darwin tried to explain why both genders finally stood up. In this debate, authors Christine Hassler and Jason Ryan Dorsey attempt to demystify what each gender thinks about height and its impact on dating. This discussion is particularly important for single people who want to improve their chances of finding a date online by adjusting their personal height stats.

SHE SAYS: When it comes to initial attraction, height matters. A woman wants to look up to a man, both literally and figuratively. Now I know a lot of women may disagree with me here and say it's all about equality, but when it comes to height, many women aren't drawn to a level playing field. I don't know if it's feeling a taller man can better protect us or simply look good on holiday postcards, but short guys definitely have to work harder to stand out in a crowd.

But here is the thing, if you take the time to get beyond the superficial stuff and see someone for who they are, then height doesn't matter at all. When it comes to love, physical attraction may spark a relationship but it rarely sustains one. And, hey, as a woman, I know that there's a lot a guy has to offer when he is not standing. The things that matter when it comes to love are whether or not your values, life goals, priorities, and communication skills align -- not whether you can see over him when you wear your favorite stiletto heels.

HE SAYS: As a guy who is vertically mediocre, I don't think height is the deciding factor when it comes to falling in love -- unless you want your future children to play college basketball on scholarship. However, when a short guy shows up at a restaurant on a date with a much taller woman you know that some of the other guys in the place are thinking, "What does he do?" That particular situation has never happened to me, but it sure sounds cool. What I do know is that love doesn't come with a minimum height requirement like a ride at Six Flags. Sometimes the one you end up falling head over 3-inch heels for doesn't necessarily fit your "type," but then maybe she is exactly your type after all. I mean you may not end up seeing eye-to-eye on your wedding day, but that shouldn't matter because you can always PhotoShop the pictures. I did.

Every house has a beach - Architecture @ its best

Palm Jumeirah @ DUBAI new pics

Now see this stuff………………….

This is taken from world's tallest building "Burj Dubai" @ 2,620 ft / 801m!!!

What do you think guys…………………