Thursday, November 8, 2012

Barn Owls use tree cavities, barns, silos, and abandoned buildings for nest sites.

he Barn Owl is a relatively small owl species with a heart-shaped facial disc, no ear tufts, dark eyes, a white breast and golden-buff feathers on its back. It hunts at dusk and through the night for mice, voles and shrews in open grassy areas such as old farm fields, wet meadows, tallgrass prairie, and grassed ditch banks and wetland
edges. Barn Owls are considered beneficial to farmers - a family of six young and two adults can consume over 1000 mice during one nesting season!

Barn Owls use tree cavities, barns, silos, and abandoned buildings for nest sites. They do not build nests but instead litter the base of their nest cavity with regurgitated pellets consisting of fur and bones from rodent prey they have eaten.