Monday, September 16, 2013

Five years ago, a female deer was hit outside of a Michigan couple's home. The deer suddenly went into labor and gave birth to twins.

Five years ago, a female deer was hit outside of a Michigan couple's home. The deer suddenly went into labor and gave birth to twins.

One of the twins died, but the other survived. Not knowing what to do with the near-dead baby, the couple asked the responding police officer if they could try and nurse it back to health. He told them to go for it.

They named her Lilly, and she became just another member of the family. She sleeps on a futon, watches animal planet, likes to sleep in and nap with the cats, while also enjoying a game of Frisbee in the back yard.

But after receiving a complaint, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is threatening to take Lilly away from the only family she's ever known.

If Lilly fails to rehabilitate, they will put her down.

Do you think the family should be able to keep Lily?