Thursday, April 24, 2014

AMA journal article suggests mandating participation in experimental vaccine trials 'for the greater good'

Some of the most deranged and sociopathic individuals on the planet hold respected positions of authority in medicine and at institutions of higher learning, and a recent journal article in the American Medical Association (AMA)'s Journal of Ethics serves as a reminder of this disturbing reality. In the article, two doctors from Oxford University in the UK advocate forcibly injecting individuals with experimental vaccines "for the greater good of society." reports that Oxford's Susanne Sheehy, BM BCh, MRCP, DTM&H, and Joel Meyer, BM BCh, MRCP, together authored the paper, entitled Should Participation in Vaccine Clinical Trials be Mandated?. In it, the duo recommends "[c]ompulsory involvement in vaccine studies" in response to a general lack of willing volunteers, many of whom are not exactly comfortable sacrificing their bodies and their health to have a toxic brew of untested chemicals injected into them.

The totalitarian viewpoint of Sheehy and Meyer, both of whom are members of the UK's Royal College of Physicians, is nothing short of frightening. That any human being is capable of convincing himself that forcibly injecting another human being with chemicals, live viral components, and other toxins is a good idea, is a shocking anomaly in and of itself. But this scenario becomes especially disturbing when those in positions of power adopt this psychopathic viewpoint.

Clearly stated in their paper, Sheehy and Meyer believe mandatory participation in vaccine trials is no different than requiring individuals to serve on jury duty, for instance, or to serve in the military. They also believe that forcing people to take experimental vaccines, even when such vaccines come with obvious "inherent risks," is an individual's required duty to give back to society.

Perhaps the most disturbing element of the paper, though, is its suggestion that "increas[ing] the severity" of diseases will help to facilitate "compulsory recruitment" into experimental vaccine trials. Deliberately creating more deadly strains of disease in order to scare people into vaccine programs, in other words, is apparently considered to be a valid approach by Sheehy and Meyer, whose passionate worship of vaccines have led them to such a preposterous notion.

A little bit of history on vaccine trials -- it was revealed back in 2008 that at least 14 Argentinian children died as part of an experimental vaccine trial conducted by British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline . Also in 2008, 21 homeless individuals in Poland died during an avian flu vaccine experiment.