Wednesday, July 2, 2014

BabySafe Project launched to inform pregnant women about the dangers of wireless and cell phone radiation

Awareness about wireless technology continues to grow every day. There are very real health threats presented by the EMFs emitted by our wireless gadgets as well as from smart meters and related technology. Enter the BabySafe Project, a new public awareness initiative developed by an international group of doctors, scientific experts and non-profit organizations to spread awareness about Wi-Fi dangers to women so they can better protect themselves and their unborn children.

The BabySafe Project aims to better inform the public about how delicate the process by which life is created is. BabySafe physicians have acknowledged that during the formative process, even minutely disruptive energies such as non-thermal wireless radiation during critical windows of development could have lasting, life-long negative effects on the fetus. Dr. Hugh Taylor of the BabySafe Project, conducted a peer-reviewed experiment on pregnant mice exposed to cell phone radiation. Prenatal exposure to cell radiation resulted in decreased memory, increased hyperactivity, and altered brain activity in the baby mice. Second and third peer-reviewed studies by Doctor's Nesrin Seyhan and Suleyman Kaplan, respectively, found DNA damage, brain cell damage and adverse behavioral effects in baby mice exposed prenatally to Wi-Fi radiation.

The BabySafe Project's 10 steps to reducing your exposure

The BabySafe Project is a joint initiative of two environmental health non-profits: Grassroots Environmental Education and Environmental Health Trust. On the BabySafe website, the initiative outlines 10 simple steps that women can take to reduce their exposure to wireless radiation emitted by cell phones, wireless devices and smart meters. These are:

1. Avoid carrying your cell phone on you body (e.g. in a pocket or bra).

2. Avoid holding any wireless device against your body when in use.

3. Use your cell phone on speaker setting or with an "air tube" headset.

4. Avoid using your wireless device in cars, trains or elevators.

5. Avoid cordless phones, especially where you sleep.

6. Whenever possible, connect to the internet with wired cables.

7. When using Wi-Fi, connect only to download, then disconnect and disable Wi-Fi.

8. Avoid prolonged or direct exposure to nearby Wi-Fi routers.

9. Unplug your home Wi-Fi router when not in use (e.g. at bedtime).

10. Sleep as far away from wireless utility meters (i.e. "smart" meters) as possible.

Generally speaking, proximity is the most important factor in determining the amount of wireless radiation to which you and your baby are exposed. Radiation levels fall off dramatically as you distance yourself from the source.