Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pope John Paul II Beatification: Filipino choir chosen to sing during the occasion

Pope John Paul II Beatification: Filipino choir chosen to sing during the occasion

Karilagan Singers to sing during the beatification of Pope John Paul II

A group of Filipino choir singers has been chosen to sing in the opening ceremony of Pope John Paul II's beatification.

The beatification of the 'Pilgrim Pope' will be celebrated for 3 days. A day before the actual date, Rome-based Karilagan Singers will be singing 2 songs (Filipino compositions, "Aba Ginoong Maria" and "One More Gift") on April 30. The group is one of the two who were selected to sing during the event - the other one is a Polish Choir.

Pope John Paul II is close to the Filipinos while he was serving as Pope. He visited the Philippines twice and beatified 2 Filipinos, Pedro Calungsod and Lorenzo Ruiz who later canonized as saint by the Pope.