Saturday, June 30, 2012

10 Countries With Highest Teen pregnancy Rate in 2012

The Facts :
*Despite declines in rates of teen pregnancy in the U.S., about 1,671,630 teens become pregnant each year. That means that 35 percent of teenagers have at least one pregnancy before they turn 20. *79 percent of teenagers who become pregnant are unmarried. *80 percent of teenage pregnancies are unintended. *Nearly four in ten teenage girls whose first intercourse experience happened at 13 or 14 report that the sex was unwantedor involuntary. *The main rise in the teen pregnancy rate is among girls younger than 15. *Close to 25 percent of teen mothers have a second child within two years of the first birth. *The U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy rate – twice as high as in England or Canada, and ten timeshigher as in Switzerland.
United States (1,671,630 teen pregnancies in a year per 1 million people )
Slovakia (1,112,870)
New Zealand ( 972,491)
Hungary ( 916,858)
Iceland (889,677)
Poland (788,760)
Ireland (781,375)
Portugal (700,644)
Canada (607,224)
Australia (589,796)