Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Look Amazing - Thomas Edison he amazed the world with their courage, determination, strength and amazing will

Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all time, he is the reason why we are using bulbs today.

He is the one who set the foundation for most of the electrical things that we use today.

No one can imagine that this great inventor of the 19th century was partially deaf and had a learning disability as a child.

He could not read up the age of 11 and was never the favorite amongst the teacher, but then who knew that the kid who could not read would one change the face of world with his inventions.

He turned the attention of the world first time by the invention of phonograph after that nothing could stop him.

He invented the electrical bulb and the telegraphic system.

He invented the carbon Telephone emitter which was the basis for the invention of carbon microphone. Indeed he was a great scientist and a great man.