provides healthy amount of antioxidants and vitamins and more over protects our DNA from mutations.
- Having a regular intake of kiwi in one’s daily diet helps to improve the cardio vascular health by preventing accumulation of deposits and plaques on the walls of the arteries.
- Possessing a number of carotenoids, flavanoids and phyto nutrients makes the kiwi a good source of anti-oxidants to help fight against cancer.
- Kiwi contains lutein, a compound that helps in prevention of muscular degeneration or weakening of one’s eyesight, glaucoma and cataracts due to ageing.
- A good source of vitamin E, consuming kiwi in your daily diet is beneficial for maintaining healthy skin.
- Kiwi can help tenderise meat because it contains an enzyme called actinidin that is similar to papain in papayas that reacts chemically to break down proteins.