Thursday, April 18, 2013

Top 10 Mosques of the world (Id Kah Mosque)- 10th

Id Kah Mosque is a mosque located in Kashgar, Xinjiang, in the western People's Republic of China. It is the largest mosque in China. Every Friday, it houses nearly 10,000 worshippers and may accommodate up to 20,000.
The mosque was built by Saqsiz Mirza in ca. 1442 (although it incorporated older structures dating back to 996) and covers 16,800 square meters. In 1933, on August 9, the Chinese Muslim General Ma Zhancang killed and beheaded the Uighur leader Timur Beg, displaying his head on a spike at Id Kah mosque
In March 1934, it was reported that the uighur emir Abdullah Bughra was also beheaded, the head being displayed at Id Kah mosque.

In April 1934, the Chinese Muslim general Ma Zhongying gave a speech at Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar, telling the Uighurs to be loyal to the Republic of China Kuomintang government at Nanjing.

Location                       People's Republic of China Kashgar, China
Affiliation                    Islam
Region                          Xinjiang
status                            Mosque
Architect(s)                Saqsiz Mirza
Architectural type   Mosque
Completed                  1442
Capacity                       20,000
Minaret(s)                   3