Wednesday, September 24, 2014

35 interesting Facts about Justin Bieber you never knew

Canada,America,England,USA,UK,United Kingdom Country,New Zealand,Canada Country,America country,North America,Australia

Justin Bieber is one of most popular name in the last 2 years. His live that was starting in March 1, 1994 and his live turning to be tabloid and media publication once Usher found him view years ago. From his interview, we have found view interesting facts about Justin Bieber. Let’s check them out.

  • Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop musician, actor,singer and songwriter.
  • Justin’s middle name is Drew.Full name “Justin Drew Bieber”
  • Justin  was introduced by American talent manager named Scooter Braun.
  • “Justin Singing So Sick by Ne-yo”is his YouTube video which changed his life.
  • Justin’s birth date: March 1, 1994
  • London, Ontario, Canada is the birth place of Justin.
  • Justin  plays  drums, guitar, piano and trumpet.
  • Justin can speak English and French.
  • Justin Moved to Atlanta, Georgia to pursue his music career.
  • Justin once kissed his own poster and said “Yup, I’m a great kisser”.
  • Justin’s favorite animal is Giraffe.He hates clowns, spiders & the dark.
  • Until the age of 7,Justin had anxiety disorder called Claustrophobia  .
  • Justin’s parents divorced when he was 11 months old.He wrote the song “Down To Earth” about his parents’ divorce.14.Vanessa Price is Justin’s hair dresser.
  • Justin Bieber sleeps only 6 hours  each night because of his busy schedule.
  • Justin has been a victim of cyber bullying.
  • Justin Bieber is  left handed and he is a Christian.
  • Justin wrote the song ‘Where are you now’  about his Dad
  • Justin Bieber solves Rubik’s Cube in less than 2 minutes.
  • Justin’s First Tweet was “Check out my single One Time on my Myspace and spread the word for me’ on may 11th 2009 at 8:27 PM.”
  • Justin  loves to skateboard.
  • Justin’s Zodiac sign is Pisces.
  • Justin’s Favorite Color : purple,
  • Favorite Fruit: Banana and Grapes.
  • Favorite Underwear is D&G
  • Justin uses Google Chrome browser and  iPad phone.
  • Justin  reportedly lost over 80,000 followers on Twitter after he cut his hair.
  • Justin’s favorite YouTube video is Chuck Norris fighting a bear.
  • Justin wanted to buy a house for his mom with his first earnings $1,000,000.
  • 28.Almost 100% of Justin fans are females; boys and guys don’t like him much unless his hair I guess.
  • When he was 13 years old, he was dumped by his girlfriend and so far, he has made personal relationship with 3 girlfriends in the last 4 years.
  • Justin Biebber never drops from the top chart most favorite celebrity in Twitter adjacent with Lady gaga of course.
  • Justin Bieber hair style is trending few months after he released his first album My World. Justin talent was found by Scooter Braun in YouTube in 2007. He then joined with Island record, Usher label, in October 2008 and his first album my world was released in November 17th, 2009.