Sunday, September 7, 2014

The two party Mafia's 'good cop, bad cop' tactic

People who watch police shows on TV are well aware of the "good cop, bad cop" interrogation technique that police use on a "perp" to extract a confession. Both cops have the exact same goal, but one acts like he's the perp's friend looking out for his best interest. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. What I find fascinating is how this rather unsophisticated tactic is used quite effectively by the two political parties in America. The lapdog media outlets provide the televised electronic version of an interrogation room for it's viewers to be the "preps."

Here's how it works. Let's use Fox News for example, because I think they do a better job of using the tactic than all the other mainstream media outlets do. MSNBC, in my opinion, are amateurs compared to Rupert Murdoch's propagandists.

Fox books two politicians from opposing parties as guests on The Sean Hannity Show. It's important that these two sound like polar opposites. Hannity knows the majority of viewers are Republicans and he needs to keep them loyal to the GOP. Hannity's goal is to make the Republican sound like your friend and make the Democrat sound like the spawn of Satan ready to cast you into a socialist hellhole. The topic is welfare reform. The Democrat, in a loud, angry voice, accuses the Republican of hating the poor. "You want old people to eat dog food! We can't make any cuts to that program because it's for the children!" The Republican responds calmly. "You are way over the top. Of course I believe in having a safety net, but this program is bloated and needs reforms." Hannity jumps in and chastises the evil Democrat for being unfair.

I'm going to borrow from an honest journalist who tells the truth, Ben Sawnn. It's time for a Reality Check.

After the segment is done on Hannity, and the cameras are off, the Republican walks over to the Democrat. They do a high five. The Democrat says, "Are we still on for golf Sunday?" The Republican responds, "You bet. This time it's your turn to pay the green fees."

Here's what just happened. The Democrat's job is to be the "Radical"; the Republican, the "Moderate."

They both are selling socialism, but they know it has to be done incrementally. I used to be a Republican and I have seen this game played internally within the GOP. This is how Traditional Jeffersonian Conservatives were either driven out of the Party or were indoctrinated into thinking that promoting a "safety net" isn't socialism. If the "safety net" is privately funded, it's not. But if the "safety net" is funded by taxpayers at gun point, mandated by government, it's socialism.

The Republican Party is controlled by Socialist. Here's proof:
"Expanding the Welfare State in America"
By Laurence M. Vance

"Republicans Bash Obama For His Socialism While Hiding Their Own"
by Lawrence Hunter

"Republicans Bring Socialism to America"
by Robert Scheer

If Republicans don't stop falling for this propaganda tactic, we're all going to continue to rot in America's socialist hellhole.