Monday, December 5, 2011

Facts Funny Pictures

Kids are so beautiful gift from GOD to human, After coming new kid parents and family members forgets everything and seen like happiest peoples, it is just like that kids change their life and make a magic on parents, before some days ago mine parents tell me that kids are the toys for elders it is as it is that if you give a toy to baby and after got a toy baby happy a lot just like parents also feel the same. This is a rule of nature, every man of the world should love to his kids and others children too. Here we have some adorable, cute funny kids photos which are really looking so naughty or doing naughty activities or making a naughty and cute face. These photos really taken on right time. I have also have some other funny photos if you like to see then just click here


What Austrian want to do ? They make and celebrate strange events and doing humor things. As they are doing on sunday.  In an attempt to raise awareness to the seriousness of chronic inflammatory bowel disease, an Austrian association asked various celebrities to participate in a toilet bowl race, in Vienna. Usually it’s always about the fastest way to the toilet, but yesterday, people were more concerned about being the fastest on the toilet. No, I’m not talking about a pooping contest, but a motorized toilet bowl race held in Michaelerplatz Square, Vienna. Musicians, cabaret artists, comedians and other sorts of celebrities agreed to participate in the wacky race in order to attract attention to chronic inflamatory bowel disease, a condition that affects around 80,000 Austrians. 


This is collection on most foolish peoples whose don’t have scene and don’t care about safety and work dangerously that mean they fell in any problem.If you want to see that person then look around you must find one of them. Here i collected 30 images of foolish peoples. If you see very first image then you should understand what i try to explain in text and after one by one when you see the images you should say that wtf peoples whose play with life and mighty be possible they lose the life in stupid work. every image here on different people and every peoples doing stupid things. This is also called funny pictures but i change the name which is very suitable for images. 


How many billboards did you take a look during your walk or driving in your life? I’m sorry that I can’t remember many of them, but I sincerely believe that it’s not my problem, as the billboard itself should be great enough to attract me! What makes a great billboard then? Or ask yourself a question, what can cause the drivers to endanger their lives to take a look at your billboards while they’re driving? Great billboard can answer this question well. It should be graphic-oriented, informative, interesting and most importantly, creative. Sounds insane? Nah. There are just too many billboard ads that did it, and in this post I’m gonna bring up 40 billboard ads that are extremely creative and attention-grabbing. Once again, they gonna prove you that creativity has no boundaries, enjoy them all!


WTF or funny pictures are the same type and its purpose of posting here is also same. These are those pictures that when you see the images one by one then you must say WTF. In these pictures collection some pictres are prank and some pictures really capture or taken at right time like very first image is prank in which arabic peoples are sittings on a cart which is behind of car and arabic peoples working on most expensive laptops lollzzzz and very last image the model in incredible 3 face suit this is example of WTF fashion designer. In this collection you find really some interesting and funny pictures and you can also save by right click. But after describe everything i must say that the most funny pictures is second that a model make strange hair style. Have a look


This is collection on beautiful and creative fingers fun. Fingers are unique and their imprints can tell a person’s faces. The photos I am presenting here won’t tell about the face of the owner but they will surely tell you about the creativity of the creator. Paints on fingers should have been around for a long time. Girls in India paint their hands and fingers by Mehendi to enhance their beauty. People all over the world paint their fingers in election. Well, I am not going to talk about such paintings. Following are completely different and funny faces that can be made by our own little fingers. Here are some photos of fingers showing human faces in different postures.


This is funny photos collection as i always say that fun is so necessary in human life if you throw out fun from your life then your life should also lose the colors and you always remain in tensions. If you bore from your office work and same routine of all day and you need to take a break then this is very right time to see our beautiful collection of funny pictures. These funny pictures are taken by right time and these type of funny picture always describe the whole story and you don’t need to read description. Here is the showcase of beautiful and too funny pictures and after the looking every image you should say OH SHIT or WTF lollllzzzz.


Teeth is singular of tooth, These are so small and calcified in our month, Human teeth are so helpful to break down the food mostly teeth working same in animal month but some of meet eating animals teeth are so strong and animals use teeth for hunting and defense form other dangerous animals. Teeth are made by multiple tissues of varying density and hardness. If we talking about animals teeth so animals have many set of teeth and these sets uses for different purpose. Some animals develop only one set of teeth (monophyodont) while others develop many sets (polyphyodont). Sharks, for example, grow a new set of teeth every two weeks to replace worn teeth. Here i am going to show you some so amazing and also funny pictures. A very first image a monkey looking in a women month maybe he/she finding something but its look so funny have a look its so really no manipulation and these pictures are not treated in any photo shope software. have a look and enjoy the post.


Photoshope is the an application to editing the images, Photoshop is using for different usage like in our past its only use for political issues and its not popular and that days its not a baby games But now in these days its so easy like a game and its also enjoyable and entertainment. Now in these days the teen age boys and girls make a weird image of any friend with the real image. Some of people use it professionally they take an picture and make it more beautiful and interesting in others worlds the using the manipulation in the  images is now child games and its only doing for fun…Some of artist take it very seriously and make different type of art like digital art, photo manipulation, creative artwork. Here i post some really so creative example of beautiful photoshop pictures. Lets have a look.


The festival of San Fermin (or Sanfermines, in basque language Sanferminak) in the city of Pamplona (Navarre, Spain), is a deeply rooted celebration held annually from 12:00, 6 July, when the opening of the fiesta is marked by setting off the pyrotechnic chupinazo, to midnight 14 July, with the singing of the Pobre de Mi. While its most famous event is the encierro, or the running of the bulls, the week-long celebration involves many other traditional and folkloric events. It is known locally as Sanfermines and is held in honor of Saint Fermin, the co-patron of Navarre. Its events were central to the plot of The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway, which brought it to the general attention of English-speaking people. It has become probably the most internationally renowned fiesta in Spain. Over 1,000,000 people come to watch this festival.