Sunday, December 18, 2011

Make It A Year To Remember With These Hot, Naughty Tips

ve decided to compile a lengthy list of hot tips that I suggest you follow to ensure that you have a VERY lusty, sensual and electrifyingly exciting 2010! Now, some of these hot tips may seem easy or simple but trust me... ensuring that you actually do them will elevate your emotional and sexual relationship to new heights so do give them a try....

Over time, relationships can turn from lusty to boring. This is a simple fact that faces all relationships, including yours. The good news is that it's actually easy to PREVENT your relationship from becoming a routine. How? By ensuring that there's always something new to try. These hot tips will ensure that you succeed in this endeavor.

Surprise her with something sweet and endearing. Remember the times when you were still courting her? Remember how you couldn't wait to see her so you kept dropping by where she lived or picking her up from school or work? Well... what's preventing your from doing that now? Nothing! It's important for women to feel special so this year, AT LEAST once every other week, pick her up from wherever she is. Whether she's at work, at the dentist's, or simply picking up something from the supermarket, surprise her by picking her up and bringing her home...or elsewhere!

Be naughtier. Remember the times when you can't keep your eyes and hands off her? Well, bring back that lustful feeling! Make it a point to TOUCH her and do be inappropriate! Now, if you haven't done this in a while, don't start by just groping her as she might not like that. Start slow; for instance, when you wake up, make it a point to embrace her and cup her breasts. Next, be more daring and cup her mound. As this is inside your bedroom, she won't feel embarrassed or anything. When she's used to this, start touching her in the middle of the day in the kitchen or living room when no one's looking. Step up from just touching to squeezing and groping and take more risks on when and where you touch her!

Have unexpected 'date nights'. Dating used to be simple then so it shouldn't be a gargantuan effort now. AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH, take the initiative and prepare in advance (e.g., if you have kids, arrange for the babysitter; book the restaurant, etc.) and surprise her by simply taking her by the hand and saying "Let's go out tonight... NOW!"

Get into the shower/bath with her and give her a sensual bath. When you hear her inside the bathroom taking a bath or shower, simply go inside, take the bottle of shampoo and say 'here, let me do that for you'. You can simply give her a gentle scalp massage or you can be downright naughty by soaping and rubbing every inch of her body!

Buy a naughty book and (sort of) hide it. Let me share with you this story... a client of mine once told me that he bought an adult magazine. Unbeknownst to him, his partner found it but didn't tell him that she did. One horny night, he decided to try one of the moves he saw in the mag on her and not only did she willingly comply but that night was the night they had the best sex ever! She later confessed that's she's been stealing glances on the same magazine whenever he was not at home and was WAITING for him to make his move!

The moral lesson here? More often than not, you cannot rush women. They need time to adjust or warm up to a certain sexual position or sexual adventure. Just because she said 'no' to an idea you had in the past does not mean it's a 'no' forever.

So why not buy a naughty book yourself and 'accidentally' leave it out where she can find it? You might just be surprised at how thrilled she'll be in finding your illicit stash of erotica.

Well, there you have it, the first six of my tips for you. That's just a WARM UP so be sure to stay tuned for more exciting Love Tips in my next email! Meanwhile, if you'd like more great advice on how to keep the fires of passion alive in your relationship, have a look at my website:http: