Friday, July 6, 2012

Peach (Daily Life Food Item Which Have Poisonous Varieties)

--> Stone fruits include fruits like peach, apricot, almonds and cherries. They have excellent and exotic taste and high nutritional value.
-->Stone fruits contain poisonous hydrocyanic (prussic) acid (HCN) in the pits and foliage.
-->Since the poisonous cyanide is combined with one or more sugars, these molecules are referred to as cyanogenetic glucosides. HCN poisoning can be fatal.
-->The cells stop absorbing oxygen and thus die from lack of oxygen even though oxygen is plentiful in the blood.
--> Only 0.06gram is enough to cause death in many people.
-->To avoid this, the seeds of the stone fruits should never be eaten. Almonds are the exception.