Monday, March 25, 2013

20 Tips to look Young and Healthy ..

1. Sleep
2. Exercise
3. Olives as anti aging source
4. Eat Fruits and vegetables
5. Sun block
6. Avoid Smoking
7. Drink Enough Water
8. Forget Stress and Stay Happy
9. Take a Balance Diet
10. Use Natural Products For Your Skin
11. Vitamin E
12. Vitamin A
13. Benefits of Apple Juice
14. Use of Glycerin, Lemon juice and Rose water
15. Aloe Vera Gel
Apply Aloe-Vera gel as a face mask on your face, neck and hands. Let it dry for 20 minutes, put the mask out and wash your face with fresh cold water. If you have dry skin then add vitamin E (oil) in the gel and mash it well before applying.
16. Take steam Bath often
17. Think Positive
18. Morning Walk
19. Carrots and Sweet Potatoes
20. Yoga