Monday, March 25, 2013

Health Tips

1. Try to use Moisturizing Creams on Hands 4 times a day and especially before sleeping.

2.Try to protect the Hands from sudden changes in the temperature.

3.Try to keep your Hands clean.

4.Wash the Hands with soap and warm Water; it helps to make Hands softer.

5.Try to wear Gloves in the cold season, whenever you go out. Gloves can protect the Skin of Hands from the extreme temperature.

6.Try to wear Gloves before washing clothes and dishes, it will protect your Hands from the harmful effects of Washing soaps and Detergents.

7.Soften your Hands with the teaspoon of Almond Oil after washing Dishes because it can soften our Skin and moisturize Hands.

8.Exfoliate the Hands at least once a week with a solution of Salt and Lemon Juice. Use an old tooth brush to remove the dead skin.

9.Apply warm Wax to the Hands; it will improve the Blood circulation and color of the Hands, it also relieves the stiffness of Joints.

10.Make solution of 1 teaspoon of Honey, 1 teaspoon of Olive Oil, apply this on your Hands and cover your hands with some cloth for about 30 minutes. It will be beneficial in softening the hands

11.Soak your Hands in the warm Milk for about 15 minutes, it strengthens the Nails and clean the Skin.

12.Try to apply the Petroleum Jelly on the Hands and cover them with cotton gloves before sleeping at night.

13.Try to apply Sunscreen lotion 30 minutes earlier before going out. It will protect your Hands from the harmful rays of Sun.

14.While choosing soap for Hands, always look for the one that has PH-Balanced.

15.Aloe Gel acts as the best anti-aging product for Hands.
Make solution of Rose Water, Lemon Juice and Glycerin; apply it before going to sleep.

16.Try to treat the injuries or Hand infections as soon as possible because if not treated well, it can lead to scars and Black spots on Hands.

17.Look carefully, if you see the discoloration of Skin or any such signs, they may depict a disease too.

18.For better results, you can take Manicure treatment from parlor. It makes Hands better for many days.

19.Make a Hand lotion by mixing 1 teaspoon of Glycerin, 1 teaspoon of crushed Almonds, 1 teaspoon or Rose Water. Apply this mixture on Hands for at least 15 Minutes.
20.The above mentioned are few best tips for beautiful hands that can enhance your looks.