Sunday, April 7, 2013

How To Kiss A Man - Top Kissing Tips For Women

So you want to know how to be a good kisser? Kissing is something that many of us do on a regular basis, but as with all things, we can probably benefit from a few good kissing tips for improved technique.

It is an unfortunate fact that kissing is not always something that comes naturally; it is rather an art that needs to be learned, practiced and improved upon.

If you would like to improve your kissing skills, here are a number of helpful kissing tips you can try, even if it is the first time you are kissing someone new.

Kissing Preparation
First, make sure you are ready and properly “prepped” for kissing.

Of course, some kisses will be spontaneous and catch you off guard, and some kisses are simply “greeting” kisses and are not meant to be particularly passionate.

When you are planning for a good old-fashioned make-out session that could lead to something more, the first of many kissing tips you need to follow is making sure you are adequately prepared.

So how do you prep yourself for some good kissing action?

For starters, you will want to smell good—all over your body.

The sense of smell in art of kissing is a sensual part of the whole essence of kissing and you want to make sure your overall scent takes his breath away and makes him want to kiss you more.A light lotion on your skin is a good idea, which will produce a pleasant scent and also make your skin soft and smooth.

Make sure you also put on some deodorant and a hint (not too much) of a complementary body spray or perfume.

Lingering scents that are not too strong are made by taking a bath with soft, natural oil. Lavender and rose oil extract are the most popular and romantic.

Do not forget about your breath.

Your breath is an overwhelming force in the kissing department—good or bad—and far too often women forgo this seemingly obvious yet important kissing technique. Bad breath is not just an issue for men.

Brushing your teeth every morning and night is great, but make sure you give them an extra scrub (with minty toothpaste) before your kissing session.

Remember to brush your tongue, too, as it can harbor unpleasant germs and bacteria, particularly if you plan to kiss with it.

If you struggle with bad breath, you may want to use a bacteria-fighting mouthwash, suck on some mints, or chew some fresh gum—but remember to spit it out before you start kissing!

Another important consideration in the kissing tips domain is the condition of your lips and make-up.

You want your lips to be soft, supple, and kissable—not slimy or rough during the art of kissing. You may want to try “exfoliating” some of the dead skin cells off your lips, which will help to achieve this desired effect.

After applying a hint of lip balm or even just water, gently rub your lips with an old toothbrush. Also, think about your make-up. A touch of tasteful, natural-looking make-up is fine, but definitely do not overdo it.

Most men do not like a lot of make-up while kissing, especially lipstick that can smear all over the place. A little bit of lip balm should do the trick.

A kiss is an intimate touch and contact that conveys passion and desire.

It is a form of body communication that can express more than words ever could. Your kiss is also very personal, it will change based on who you are kissing and why.

A nervous, first time kiss with a certain someone is going to be very different, mechanically speaking, from the kiss between a couple that has been together forever.

Yet both kisses convey desire and a need for the passionate touch of lips between two people.

A real kiss, an honest kiss, delivers more than the touch of lips. A kiss opens the heart and soul to another. Knowing how to be a good kisser during the initiation is trying to go with the flow and the feeling.

You don’t want to be too forward, but keep in mind that some guys like it when a woman makes the first move, especially if they have been together for awhile. For the first few kisses, go nice and slow, and kiss gently.

French Kissing Tips
If you want to know how to be a good kisser that creates that “butterfly in the stomach” kiss, begin with a light brush of the hand on the face or nape of the neck. Hold there, for just a moment---long enough for him to want more but not long enough for him to start thinking about something else.

The next step is to move towards him, face to face, while making eye contact. Let him know with eye contact that you want his kiss and that he really wants your kiss.

Brush your lips on his gently at first, followed by a slow opening of the mouth. The art of kissing is heightened when you close your eyes at the point where your mouth opens to his.

Now we move on to some French kissing tips for technique.

First, keep your lips soft and slightly opened, in a gently inviting and receptive way. Do not press them together tightly, but also avoid opening them too wide. Drooling and too much saliva is almost always a turn-off for both men and women.
   On the other hand, there are women and men who like a steamy, sloppy, wet kissing. A kiss basically boils down to what the couple finds passionate.

A hot, wet kiss usually starts off strong and invasive. It floods the mouth with a tongue and opens the mouth wide. A wet kiss can sometimes include licking of the lips and around the lips; even the face can be licked.

Not something for everyone, but certainly something that some will enjoy, the wet kiss doesn’t think about properness or drool; it simply ignores these very mundane things. A wet kiss is generally so intense that neither person notices, or cares.

Keep in mind that not everybody is a fan of the French kiss, women and men included, so don’t feel like you have to French kiss to enjoy a healthy and sexy kissing session.

You may want to first use your tongue to gently tickle his lips and/or the edge of his teeth (some men find this very sexy) before connecting your tongue with his.

When your tongues do touch, pause to see how he reacts. If it’s positive, continue kissing and gently stroke the back of his neck. French kissing tips include the two basic types of kisses used in the art of kissing: deep tongue and light tongue. Deep tongue invades the mouth and the throat; it is an act of sexual appeal and uncompromised strength.

Light tongue is a brush of the tips of the tongue on the lips and inside the mouth. This conveys sex appeal and a type of wanting innocence.
Slowly introduce your tongue into his mouth while kissing. 

 Both types of kissing are fine; there is no right or wrong way to kiss.

Keep in mind, however, that each person prefers a different type of kiss, so if you feel uncomfortable or sense that he is feeling uncomfortable, it is perfectly fine to stop for a moment and take a breather.

You can always use a cute, flirtatious comment to let him know what type of kiss you want, and remember to ask him what type of kiss he likes.

You can also feel out a kissing style by going with his natural flow for awhile and then switching to yours if they are different.

Once you have been kissing for awhile and you are in a nice “kissing groove,” the key is to go with the flow and just do what feels right. A good kisser never does things that are awkward or forced. 

You could begin to gently explore his mouth, start kissing other body parts, wrap your arms around him, and slowly move your hands around his body. Try to sense his reception.

Kissing Communication

Probably one of the best tips for kissing out there is communication. Everyone kisses differently, and everyone likes different things. So do not forget to communicate with your man regarding all things kissing-related.

This may be somewhat awkward, especially in the beginning of your relationship, but just like sex, if you don’t talk about it, you will never know what he likes, what he does not like, what you are doing right, what you are doing wrong, and how you can improve your kissing technique.

And don’t be afraid to tell him what you like and dislike about the art of kissing.

No one is the perfect kisser, and he should be receptive to your feedback and suggestions. If he’s not, then maybe it is time to move on and find someone else to kiss!

Remember that while these are certainly helpful and useful kissing tips, they are not kissing rules—just guidelines.

There really is no such thing as one perfect kiss that every couple must conquer.

Each woman, man, and couple will define their perfect kiss differently and that perfect kiss can change and also come in many forms.

Never feel like you have to do something you don’t want to, whether it makes you uncomfortable or you just don’t enjoy it.

Most importantly, have fun! While there is some effort involved in perfecting your kissing skills, it should mostly be a fun, enjoyable activity for both of you.

Are You A Good Kisser?
Smooching, snogging, lip locking - whatever language of love you prefer, there are universal moves that make for a memorable kiss. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they kiss - so what are your lips saying about you? Find out what kind of kisser you are with this quiz

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