Monday, April 1, 2013

punjabi music information

Punjab, a beautiful tiny place on earth, lies in North-West India and North-East Pakistan. The culture of Punjab is very rich in every sense by the ages. Today the one of biggest trait of Punjab is music, Punjabi music. Punjabi folk music is highly rhythmic and very diverse. The contemporary Punjabi music not just enriched by mixing up new tunes and beats of foreign music to Punjabi music but it is extremely enriched by its origin. Though, new dimensions have been added to folk Punjabi music, in order to make Punjabi music an International music. Punjabi people are very hard working and possessive, Punjabi music artist and singers do hard work and researches on music.

Punjabi music is the music belonging to Punjab. Though the basic roots and basic instruments of the Punjabi folk music is the same as those of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana and other parts of north western India Punjabi music retains a certain beat and rhythm which is unique to it. The music is also influenced by the neighboring country of Pakistan. Traditional Punjabi songs were forgotten for some years when pop style music arrived suddenly but now the pop fever is over and the artists and peopel are returning back to their traditional music.

The history of Punjab has clear evidence of great music of Punjab. Punjab has produced many enormous, folk Punjabi artists that rocked the whole world not just India and Pakistan.
Geographically, Punjab is attracting humans since search of human being started for better place of living. As history tells, large number of invaders was greedy for Punjab, Northern-Western Planes of Indian continent, they came and brought new tunes of music and thus Punjab became a region in the world which has a diverse style of music. With the arrival of Central Asian and European people, folk Punjab music had been merged with this Central Asian and European music. And Now Punjabi music turned into a brand new universal music. Punjabi people are exceeding fond of music that can be seen by just a single visit to Punjab. Punjabi music touched so heights from folk music to world music. Today, Everyone those who loves music easily recognise the Punjabi beats.