Saturday, February 1, 2014

1st-Ever Porsche Found In Austrian Garage And It Is Electric

Well, this is certainly a fun story. The 1st Porsche ever built was recently found inside an Austrian garage, according to news reports. The car (if we can call it that) was sitting there untouched for over 100 years! Also cool for us EV lovers — it was electric! Of course, back in the day, many of the first cars were electric. Eventually, gasmobiles took over because society lacked the batteries we have today and electric vehicles thus had very short ranges.

Nonetheless, that took some time since EVs perform better , have instant torque , and are several times more efficient . As you well know, the pendulum seems to be swinging back in the direction of electric vehicles again, and as part of that swing, Porsche is also electrifying in order to take advantage of those unmatched performance benefits of EVs.