Monday, June 27, 2011

Natsumi Hayashi, Japanese photographer, defies gravity | 'Levitation' pictures

Natsumi Hayashi, a photographer based in Tokyo, Japan, became an internet sensation after photos of her "levitating" were discovered on her blog.

One of Natsuyi Hayashi's "flying" photos. Isn't it cool? | Photo courtesy of Natsuyi Hayashi

Everyday, Hayashi posts on her blog self-portraits of her suspended in mid-air wherein she seems to be levitating. Although she made flying look easy, Hasyashi revealed that it sometimes takes her more than 300 jumps to perfect the shots.

Natsumi Hayashi, who has been an artist's assistant for 2 years, hopes to soar high in her career as a photographer after rising to popularity through her "levitation" photos.

Check out some more photos of Tokyo's "levitating girl" below: