Friday, October 7, 2011

Draconids meteor shower peaks on October 8-9, 2011 in the Philippines

Meteor Shower | Photo: NASA
Night sky in the Philippines tomorrow will be more than the usual as a celestial event will be observed at its peak almost immediately after the sun falls down. The so-called Draconids meteor shower which will produce about 40 meteors an hour can be witnessed at 5:41 p.m to 10 p.m tomorrow, October 8, 2011, as well as on the following night.

If the weather will be good, reports say that there would be no need for sophisticated telescopes since the meteors falling from the sky will be visible to the naked eye. However, there are also reports that the nearly full moon may outshine the meteor shower display.

Primarily a periodic shower, the Draconids meteor shower produced spectacular and brief meteor storms twice in the last century, in 1933 and 1946, and lower rates in several other years. It took its name from constellation Draco the Dragon in the northern sky.