Friday, May 10, 2013

5 Great First Date Ideas

Cupid Blogger once posted suggestions on what to do and where to go on a first date. Kudos to the article and if you’re hard-up for ideas, you’d be well off giving the article a look-see.
Let’s face it – these days, you’re not going to find even a remotely-tolerable person on one first date, unless you’re extremely lucky or extremely flexible. And the thought of reusing situations – dinners, movies, walks in the park – can get a little monotonous after the third time around.

“What if you have plenty of first date, and not enough ideas to go around?”

So just in case you find yourself in need of something new to do with someone new, here is a list of five things I reckon would be pretty enjoyable… even if your first date isn’t.

1. Breakfast
It’s bad enough that we often overlook the first meal of the day. And waking up in the wee hours is utter horror, especially if you’re not a morning person. What better to motivate you to be up bright and early than the prospects of a good first date? All it takes is one person you’re extremely interested in and you’ll be up and about in seconds.
Furthermore, I find breakfast a much better alternative than dinner and drinks. Dinners are usually expensive on account of high expectations, and it doesn’t take much to consider the disastrous possibilities that could come with copious amounts of alcohol. French toast and coffee in a quaint cafe could do just as much in terms of a meal (even more, really – it IS the most important meal of the day), and you won’t have to worry about how you’re planning on driving back home afterwards.
Besides, if the first date is not looking good, forget chugging down drinks to make it to the end of the date… Just politely excuse yourself by saying you have work/an appointment/a class to get to and you’ll be on your merry way. If it works out well, make plans for dinner or spend the rest of the day together if you have nothing planned!

2. Sports
Everyone’s on some sort of health kick these days. Whether it be fad diets, soy milk, rock-climbing, or taking the stairs, we’re all staring possible obesity down. Spread the joys of being healthy by scheduling a couple of hours of an activity in place of a predictable activity. Instead of munching plain through a bucket of popcorn while you sit through a movie you’ve already got in a DVD copy, round up your racquets and head to the courts for a couple of rounds of badminton or tennis.
If you don’t feel like working up a sweat, go bowling instead. And if you’re feeling imaginative, go for a swim and start a game of water polo, head to your local rock-climbing gym, or round up your mates and play a game of Futsal. That last suggestion is worth the effort if you want your friends’ opinions, or if you’re nervous about being alone. Furthermore, I particularly believe that being active in games and activities reveal the truth about yourself, and if you’re not up for creating a perfect facade or are health-conscious, these will do you good in terms of romance. Whoever said being sweaty couldn’t be sexy especially in your first date?

3. Themes
These go a long way. Look around for themed restaurants – candlelit dinners are passe, and if you’re stumped for good conversation, these will help you out a lot. Albeit on the pricey side, it’s a good opportunity to discover and enjoy local entertainment whilst ensuring that you have a good time, regardless of your company.
Here in Melbourne, I know of a couple of cabaret-inspired restaurants, but where you come from, I’m sure you’ll come across a couple. If you haven’t heard of any, surf the Internet – you never know what you may find. Alternatively, you could look for comedy clubs or venues that cater to local bands and gigs (and I don’t mean hotel lobby lounges). These places usually charge cover, and some don’t offer dinners, but make do and you’ll find that the possibilities are endless.
If that’s not your cup of tea, try suggesting themed outfits. While unorthodox, you’re sure to find common interests that will urge continuous talking. Do note that if you attempt this, go all out on your first date. In light of recent events, try a Michael-Jackson inspired outfit, and see where that takes you. Forget fancy restaurants – head to places that are more relaxed in terms of attire… say, a Mexican restaurant?

4. No-joke Broke
With the recession, most of us are pretty hard-up for money. A friend of mine told me of a date she recently had where she spent next to nothing, but had a great time nonetheless. If you’re strapped for cash but want to do more than rent a movie from your nearest Video Ezy, try a picnic basket for lunch on your first date. 
Especially handy for those who can’t cook, all you have to do is wrap up a couple of sandwiches and head for the park. If you’re amazing in the kitchen, all the better to show off some of your skills. A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and if you’re a guy who’s sweet enough to prepare lunch for the lady then you’re halfway there, mate! It’s also a good time to get back to nature, and enjoy fresh air and good sights as opposed to being cooped up in a dark movie theater.
If the park isn’t your cup of tea, then look online for gallery openings or art shows in your area. Even if you’re not an art connoisseur, it’s never too late to learn a thing or two about good (or bad!) art.
Best of all, these new places usually serve complimentary drinks and finger foods, and if you’re not the sort to get embarrassed easily, hit it like it’s a buffet. It certainly beats spending a bomb on a single cocktail. If there’s nothing new in town, head to a museum or gallery and rediscover things about your culture.

5. Skills
These days, you can never know too much. If you’ve always wanted to take up pottery, learn to knit, or go wine-tasting then NOW would be the time to do it! If your first date is open-minded enough, then there hundreds upon hundreds of courses to take on, and you may as well do something productive with your time.
While it may be a little costly, the experience will be worth every penny. A friend of mine attended a course on insects, and she wound up tasting dishes that were made of bugs – talk about stepping out of one’s comfort zone! She says it was good fun, and depending on how open-minded you are, it’s sure to be!
In fact, just a few days ago I attended a course on coffee-making with my boyfriend, and while the sole intent of that was to find work here in Melbourne, it turned out to be quite a lot of fun! These don’t have to be confined to the indoors – you might find an archery class intriguing, or just want to attend a seminar at a university nearby… if you’re susceptible to suggestion, and broaden the mind a little, you’ll learn a lot more – of both the activity, and your date! It’s important to keep in mind that you shouldn’t be a prude.
With all this in mind, it should give you a good idea to start with for your first date. Customize to your own preferences, and you’re on your way to a good day!
Most importantly, enjoy your first date but remember to be mindful and be safe.

What are you thoughts in regards to first date ideas? Feel free to leave your question and comment below.