Friday, May 10, 2013

I Only Date White Guys’: Fancy or Fetish?

I was randomly reading through blogs when I came across a link to this video on YouTube.

The title seemed pretty interesting, albeit a little racist at first sight,
but after watching it through and still not having come up with an answer a whole day later,
I wanted to share this with the rest of you Cupid Blogger Readers, and if you’d oblige, get your take on the matter:

I understand that some people might have preferences – short, tall, nerd, or jock – and none of these normally garner the attention of as much as an eyelash. However, wanting to date someone of only a specific skin color (regardless of shade) has you being pegged a racist… and for what reason?
Everyone will have their own opinion on this – some might find it upsetting, some might feel a tad bit betrayed, and some might just think it’s someone’s own prerogative and get on their merry way. I think there’s something to be said for the three reactions you’re most likely to expect, and let me go on to elaborate WHY.

It’s of course a little bothersome. We would all like to think that we’re beyond a certain level of judgment but this video is a reminder that some people out there are still rejected because they’re a certain type of color. Surely we’ve had enough of that, and really, while there are differences that cannot be denied, it doesn’t mean one is any more capable than the other. There’s no doubt that Whites and Asians are very different in comparison, but would it have been better if the girl in the video had said ‘I prefer guys of a particular upbringing‘ or ‘I like my men with more hair than me‘?

A person is molded by both genetics and social aspects, and if we so happen to lean in favor towards a feature that is distinctly White/Asian, does that make us racist?

Some of you might actually identify with feelings of betrayal as well. I know I did, and I’m not even textbook Asian i.e. Malay, not Chinese. It’s one thing to have to take it from someone from the other side, but to be passed comments and judgment by someone who’s from the same team? It might not make a person any less proud of their cultural descent, but it doesn’t express the kind of sentiment anyone would expect to hear and therefore, that initial anger is alright. However, once the rage simmers down to a boil, it’d be wise to take note that it’s just a preference, and while everyone can be proud of something, ‘appreciation’ is a whole other level.

Then there’s the chance that you didn’t feel anything at all. Everyone has a right to decide for themselves, and why react to race when it’s supposed to be a factor that’s not any more important than anything else? Here we are, harping on about race being meaningless in the big picture, so why should it be any less meaningless than wanting, say, a brunette over blondes? People like what they like, and you can’t expect every one of them – all billions – to share the same opinion. We should be relieved, really, because our differences needn’t be synonymous with segregation. Attraction isn’t caused by a single factor, and the one about race was probably brought to mine first because of its dramatic features.

So what did you think? Is someone who dates people of only a select gender a racist, or is it a preference? Would you consider it a fetish?

Here’s a reply to the above video, to get you started…

Feel free to leave opinions and comments below!